Omni is giving away 10 tickets for Fight for the Warriors SFL XXIX. Visit our Norfolk office at:
131 W Little Creek Rd
Norfolk, VA 23505
From now until June 15th to enter your name to win tickets for the fastest growing mixed martial arts league in Virginia!
Spartyka Fight League was established in September 2010 with the purpose of becoming the top promoter of amateur mixed martial arts events in Virginia. They attract the area’s best amateur MMA talent by organizing high-quality MMA events in Hampton Roads. Through organized, professionally hosted competition, these athletes can practice their art before adoring fans who appreciate, admire and respect their physical fitness and competitive mindset.
Click here for more info regarding our Norfolk office.
Congratulations to the ticket winners. We had such an amazing turn our sponsoring SFL XXIX that we teamed up with the Spartyka Fight League two more time to give away tickets in August and October.
August 2017
In August Omni once again co-sponsored the Spartyka Fight League Event SFL 30. Congratulations to the winner of the tickets and to everyone who visited the booth.
October 2017
In October was Omni’s final co-sponsorship the Spartyka Fight League of the year sponsoring Redemption SFL 31. Congratulations to the winner of the tickets and to everyone who visited the booth.

Friendship Rewards Program
Refer a friend and get a $25 Omni Gift Card