BOSS Single Soldiers Festival 2017
Omni is proud to be a sponsor of the Annual Single Soldiers Festival held on September 9th at Fort Hood, TX. The event was filled with
- Music
- Team building exercises
- Karaoke
- Free Food
- and an Awards Ceremony
The Better Opportunities for Single Service Members (BOSS) program represents the voice of the single Service member. If you’re a single Service member, BOSS members advocate for you by advancing quality of life issues on the installation, and in the barracks, to senior leaders on post and throughout the Army.
Thank you BOSS for allowing us to be part of this incredible event!
BOSS Single Soldiers Festival 2014
To help the soldiers of Ft. Hood enjoy a hot Texas Summer day, Omni GM Keith Callands was happy to sponsor the “Single Soldier Day” being held on Friday, June 13th at Blora (Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area). It is expected that over 15,000 active duty

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