SMA Scouts Open House

SMA Scouts Open House

SMA Scouts Open House 2017

On August 29th Omni teamed up with the Sergeants Major Association of Fort Drum to host a Scouts Open House. We volunteered to help with the registration of over 250 new and returning Boys and Girl Scouts. We also provided 15 cases of water for everyone who arrived to sign up their children for the scouts.

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the largest Scouting organizations in the United States and one of the largest youth organizations here in the States, with more than 2.4 million youth participants and nearly one million adult volunteers. The BSA was founded in 1910, and since then, more than 110 million Americans have been participants in BSA programs at some time. The BSA is part of the international Scout Movement and became a founding member organization of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1922.

Founded in 1912 The Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) prepares girls to empower themselves and promotes compassion, courage, confidence, character, leadership, entrepreneurship, and active citizenship through activities involving camping, community service, learning first aid and earning badges by acquiring practical skills. Girl Scouts’ achievements are recognized with various special awards, including the Girl Scout Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards.

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