Big Game Event in Hinesville, GA 2014
With only three weeks remaining in the NFL regular season schedule, we are looking right past the NFL Playoffs to the Big Game XLIX in February. On February 1st at about 6:00 PM (ET) when the Big Game kickoffs off at the University of Phoenix Arrow Head Stadium in Glendale, AZ Omni, an event participant, will be on hand at Ft. Stewart’s Rocky Zone, beginning at 2:00 PM for the “Tail Gate Challenge” to make sure the service members enjoy the free food, drinks and give-a-ways and to make sure everyone registers for our free raffle to win “Pizza for a Year” compliments of Omni. Omni is happy to participate in this year’s Big Game as a way to help the soldiers and families relax and to show our appreciation for all they sacrifice each day. It’s a good guess that we will be back to show our support for the soldiers of Ft. Stewart when the Big Game L is played in San Francisco, CA in February 2016.

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