UFC Fights

UFC Fights

UFC Fights 2015

To show Omni’s ongoing support for the soldiers of Ft. Hood GM Keith Callands has agreed with MWR to sponsor 8 UFC Fights (Ultimate Fighting Championship) at the Ft. Hood Backbone Lounge. The first of these extremely popular TV viewing events is 2/28. The other 7 dates are 3/14, 3/25, 5/23, 6/13, 7/11, 8/1 and 9/5. Keith will also be conducting a raffle at each of the fights for a chance for a lucky service member to win Pizza for a Year. A winning 1-2 combination…fights and pizza!

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– Posted on March 16th 2015 –

On Saturday, March 14th the place to be was the Phantom Warrior Club/Backbone Lounge. The reason? To view one of the fastest growing sports on TV, UFC fights (Ultimate Fighting Championship).To show our support Omni joined with Ft. Hood MWR and was there to sponsor the event and provide several hours of relaxation to the service members of Ft. Hood. Omni was front and center to meet and greet the over 50 attendees to this televised event. This was just one of the many ways we look to show our continuing support for the service men and women of Ft. Hood.
Our general manager Keith Callands with our Pizza for a Year winner are pictured below.

UFC Fights 2014

April_2014_UFC-Fight_Ft.Hood_TX_flyer     April_2014_UFC-FIGHT_Ft.Hood_TX_flyerb

Saturday, April 12th and Saturday, April 26th

Omni, in conjunction with Ft. Hood MWR, will sponsor two UFC Fights.These viewings will be held at the Backbone Lounge on Ft. Hood and the fights will be shown to the attendees on large screen TVs all FREE of charge.  Each event will have free finger food and appetizers on hand during the fights.  Being able to support and help the service members relax for a few hours is something Omni looks forward to doing throughout the year. Omni Financial GM Keith Callands is always looking for ways to support the service members of Ft. Hood.

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