Easter is a season of new beginnings and time-honored traditions. It’s celebrated in churches, around kitchen tables or in the great outdoors, when kids go searching for colorful plastic shells filled with jelly beans and other sweet treats. It’s a special time of year and a sure sign that spring has officially sprung.
However you celebrate Easter, you undoubtedly like to do so with the people you love most: your spouse, children and relatives. But if you’re thinking about doing something different this time and the kids have outgrown their egg-hunting years, here are a few activities that everyone can enjoy. Depending on what you do and your families’ interests, you just might end up establishing a new tradition.
1. Do some baking
Sweetness is an Easter theme, from the candy that fills baskets to the honey glazed ham that’s for dinner. You may want to maintain the sugar train by breaking out the muffin tins and baking utensils. In the past, we’ve highlighted several phenomenal desserts that were originally found on Pinterest. From Easter bunny cinnamon rolls to a delectable flourless chocolate cake, the options are endless and end results are delicious. For the Easter bunny rolls, all you need is some premade cinnamon roll dough, which can be shaped into the ears that top a bunny’s cinnamon roll “head.” Depending on the size of your family you can assign each baker with a role, whether it’s slicing, shaping or icing.
Other Easter and Passover treats we’ve referenced in the past include three-ingredient coconut macaroons, goldfish carrots and Trix treats, which is a more colorful spin on Rice Krispies treats.
2. Have an Easter Bunny brunch
Every day starts best with a good breakfast, but for Easter, you can get into the spirit of the day with pancakes. According to the blog SheKnows, all you need are some blueberries, pancake mix, banana slices and some whipped cream. Each pancake flap serves as one portion of the bunny’s body, from the feet to the toes (blueberries) to the tail (whipped cream). Perhaps the only thing more fun than designing them with your spouse and kids will be devouring them.
Other variations on this Easter breakfast include using waffles instead of pancakes and using berries for facial features, like the eyes (blueberries) and nose (strawberry).
3. Jelly bean counting
In addition to lining your kids’ baskets with jelly beans, you may want to use these chewy treats to play a guessing game. As recommended by FamilyEducation.com, fill a glass jar with as many jelly beans you’d like, making sure to count the actual number ahead of time. Then, pass the jar around so everyone in the family can take a guess as to how many jelly beans are inside. Whoever gets closest to the actual figure gets to keep them or win some other prize.
You could also do a blind taste test, where you blindfold your children’s or spouse’s eyes to see if they can correctly guess the flavor of the bean they eat. It’s not as easy as it sounds, especially if you give them more than one at a time.
4. Plant in the garden
Since Easter is all about renewal and is tied to spring, it’s a perfect opportunity to do some planting. Whether you plant fruits and vegetables or flowers, the activity may “plant the seeds” for turning your son or daughter into a bonafide green thumb.
If it’s still too cold to plant or the ground is too hard where you live, you can do potted planting indoors. Just make sure they are placed in an area that gets plenty of sunlight!
5. Hold an egg-and-spoon relay race
You’re never too old for an egg-and-spoon relay race. The objective is simple but the task is hard: Place a hard-boiled egg on a spoon without dropping it as you walk and transfer it to the next person on your team. To up the stakes, consider using raw eggs and hold your relay race outdoors (in case of egg drops). You can try all different variations of spoon and egg sizes, as well as how far each participant has to go before passing the egg to their relay partner.
6. Perform a random act of service
Just as you have served the country, how about turning Easter into a day of service? But instead of the U.S., you’ll be serving a friend, neighbor or anyone who may be in need. If you know of a family who is going through a tough time, baking cookies, performing yard work or creating homemade cards can make their day a whole lot brighter — as well as your own.
Whatever you wind up doing, it’s the family who will make it unforgettable. From all of us at Omni Financial, we wish you all the joy and togetherness that the holiday has to offer.
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