Almost everyone experiences financial troubles from time to time. An expensive car repair. PCS move costs. Medical bills. If you are a bit over your head in expenses, Omni is here for you. For more than 45 years we have been helping active duty and career retired military members get funding to overcome tight financial situations.
We consider our customers part of the Omni family and are thrilled when customers share that they feel the same way. A Staff Sergeant at Fort Drum recently wrote us a note that said, “As a longtime member of the Omni family, as always, I have never been disappointed… I mentioned ‘family’ because that is exactly how I felt when they helped me…”
A heritage of helping the military
Omni was founded by a veteran and most of the people who work here are veterans, military spouses and military advocates. We recognize that the military lifestyle is significantly different than that of a civilian. Our team understands that deployments, family separations, and frequent moves are facts of life and can negatively impact a service member’s financial situation. With all that a military family goes through, the last thing they need is more stress. That’s why, at Omni, we do our best to provide service members with quick and hassle-free lending options that work for them, their families and their budgets.
A Private First Class stationed at Fort Bragg took time to let us know that he was pleased with the speed and ease of our services. “The overall response time was amazing; I got a call almost immediately after applying online and was approved and picked up my loan the very next day with very little trouble,” he wrote. “All the paperwork was made very easy and customer service was also very comforting and understanding at their job and exactly what they were doing and what I needed. One of the most pleasant experiences I’ve had with a company.”
Another service member at Fort Bragg called his experience with Omni “easy and painless.”
We’re your neighbor
Unlike other military loan companies, Omni Financial® has branch offices in the communities in which we serve. We love when customers stop by our offices, tell us their stories, and give us the opportunity to help them get out of a difficult financial place. We take great pride in providing our customers with personalized service and a loan that is customized for their particular circumstances. The next time you are short on funds, visit one of our branch locations or call us from wherever you are stationed. We Love to Say Yes!®

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